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Top 5 Features Coming Soon on WhatsApp

 WhatsApp is evolving constantly. It continues to develop and deploy new features. It is always available. The goal is to simplify duties or just to enhance or increase the entertainment quotient. So, what do we speak of? WhatsApp will change again and here we show the next features, which will probably be introduced in future versions. Well, the 100 billion personal messages shared on its platform every day are a tribute to its growing popularity. Whatsapp is one of the most popular chat applications across the world. One cause of its increased popularity is that new features for users are continuously being added. 1. WhatsApp Status Updates excluded from backup 2. WhatsApp Disappearing mode 3. WhatsApp End-to-end backups 4. WhatsApp Flash calls 5. WhatsApp Review voice messages 6. WhatsApp multi-device feature Although there is little knowledge on how numerous devices operate with the multi-device feature, the ren...
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PimpAndHost was the first blogging site with a lot of popularity back in 2006. This site is different from most blogging sites that use templates or pre-defined themes. There are several sites where you could host your material and sometimes it is also referred to as image hosting sites. So, the PimpAndHost is just one of those. Once uploading your photo on these sites, you could share it with an unlimited number of individuals online instantly. Though there are many such kinds of image hosting websites available, its popularity still depends entirely on the kinds of material uploaded and shared at these sites. The most common material that is uploaded at these sites pictures. Pictures can be anything like pictures of dogs, cats or any other pets and the same goes for persons. There are many blogs that are dedicated only to images while others are more vocal about the kind of things they have posted. This all changed when one day, a gentleman from Canada named Rob suggested that there...